The Lost Generation

25 Sep

Have any of you watched the movie ” The Curious Case of Banjamin Button”. Well, I watched it a while back and it didn’t do much for me, however, I thought of it today. Why? Well, this is what happened.

V is going through what my friend calls the ‘Whying’ phase. It’s partly genuine curiosity and partly an endurance test for whichever adult gets caught in the crosshairs. So I had read all these books on how each child is a potential genius and we kill that potential by telling them to shush, when their natural inquisitiveness makes them want to explore the world. So when V started on this stage, I initally tried to answer all her question, however, I was soon exhausted. That’s when I came up with the brilliant “I don’t know darling, but I’ll get back to you” response. She ‘Whyed’ this a few times and then seemed to get the message. A week later when I did my standard “I don’t know…” after 5 minutes, she got back with “Well, google it mommy.” My mom-in-law overheard our conversation and said that today’s kids were growing way faster than we ever did (at least intellectually).

Cute story, but what does it have to do with the lost generation thing right?

Well, we recently went on a family vacation to Sri Lanka and my mom rediscovered her inner hotness. When I posted the pictures on facebook, one of the standard comments was “Wow! your mom looks so good, she could be your twin sister”. I was cool with that, I obviously have my dad’s looks, more distinguished than hot. Then a friend said this “Your mom seems to be getting younger everyday”.

So my point is this, between, the accelerated growth of our kids and the younger grandparents, will our generation not exist? Or at a minimum be irrelevant? (Do you see the Benjamin Button connect?)

I sure the techie will come up with some parallel that can be explained by some Stephen Hawking’s theory in meta-physics. Something along the lines of- When two linear time periods travel at ‘x’ and ‘y’ speeds towards each other, with no intervening force, a collison is inevitable and will result in a force of ‘a’, obliterating ‘z’.

P.S.: This nonsensical post was triggered by an amazing blog entry I read at the sweet and weak today.


Posted by on September 25, 2011 in Crazy Philosopy


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6 responses to “The Lost Generation

  1. Sanjana

    October 5, 2011 at 3:33 am

    Your mom does look like your sister! But then apparently so does mine!
    Kudos to them I say! 🙂

    • nmaha

      October 6, 2011 at 7:34 pm

      Hats off to them. I’ll probably be wrinkled and irritable at 60 🙂

  2. tracey

    September 26, 2011 at 1:19 pm

    I think that being middle-aged is treated like a disease nowadays. Really. Elderly are still revered, but thought of as “cute” again. This pisses me off. I will not be cute when I am 80 and bitchy. I will be a bitchy woman who happens to be 80. Do not write off people because they are aging. I hate that! I am basically very premenstrual right now and the thought of anyone calling my bitchiness anything other than what it is irks me.

    Wait. What was the question?

    Also, answering all of those “why’s” will make YOU smarter. I guarantee it.

    • nmaha

      September 26, 2011 at 6:53 pm

      Hmmmm…….Tracey, you are scaring me a little there :-). I’m not very sure what you were referring to, I guess that’s what a nonsensical post does to people. In fact, I’m very happy with the state of affairs as I want my mom and dad to be around for ever 🙂 I just find handling V very very tough right now, though you are right on the ‘whys’ making me smarter 😀

  3. Style Souk

    September 26, 2011 at 12:13 am

    This poses such a fascinating question.

    There are many examples of our ‘elders’ being tirelessly engaged in the pursuit of youth and, more especially, the aesthetic perfection it once gifted. It has me think that they will eventually meet, and homogenise, in the middle – with every adult looking thirty years old.

    And, yet, as I look amongst my own peers – those still within their actual youth – there seems a curious paradox in evidence.

    They want the security that middle or later years bring. Established careers, marriage, children. Wearing clothes that lend gravity and import, they talk about mortgages and pensions. It is almost as though, feeling our position usurped by those older, we are seeking to carve out a new one – perhaps as the ‘elders’ ourselves.

    Sarah x

    P.S: I replied to your comment on my blog – regarding skincare – and hope that it will be of some help:

    Service Interrupted

    • nmaha

      September 26, 2011 at 7:37 pm

      Sarah, the second point that you have given, is something I can actually see around me.
      I’m the opposite, I crave the security of being a school-child with my parents to lean on (I can see a pattern emerging in my replies).


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