Mummy Tummy

03 Mar

I was getting dressed this morning in my regulation Saturday work outfit – black leggings, a camisole and a long formalish tunic. V, who has no time to observe me on school days, usually lounges around as I get ready for work on Saturdays chatting with me. Today, she looked at me as I slipped on my camisole and said, “Mummy when you wear that pink vest, you look funny, like you have lot of tummies.” As I pulled my tunic on hurriedly (so that she got minimum viewing time) I guess she noticed that my smile had kind of frozen. As my confidence plummeted and I tried not to look in the mirror, she ran to me and hugged me with a, “Now you look beautiful mummy. See you only have to cover your tummies.” I managed to choke out a strangled “Thank you darling”, while I vowed to get her to pay for my therapy sessions when she starts earning.


Posted by on March 3, 2012 in Lessons in Parenting



6 responses to “Mummy Tummy

  1. Elisa

    March 8, 2012 at 4:35 am

    oh, I had something very similar happen to me with Stella recently. It’s so traumatic, ins’t it? Because you know when they say it, it’s the simple truth, no malice or anything. Yikes.

    • nmaha

      March 8, 2012 at 6:14 pm

      Elisa, you hit the nail on the head there. I think that’s why we feel so bad, because it’s the bare truth with no hidden escape route.

  2. Megan, The Frugalista Diaries

    March 7, 2012 at 8:58 am

    Oh know, I know the feeling i’ve gotten things from my son like him pointing to my ‘beauty mark/mole’ above my eyebrow and saying ew, ouch and a few other things…he’s so paying for my therapy.

    • nmaha

      March 7, 2012 at 4:50 pm

      Funny isn’t it that our children don’t have the blind adoration we had for our mothers. It’s like they love us unconditionally but at the same time have a great degree of objectivity..

  3. D

    March 3, 2012 at 9:12 pm

    Oh dear! Hugs love! D loves tugging some of my mummy tummy every now and then reminding me of something I am already aware…sigh! V is a cutie though, already knowing when to comfort! Although I have to say, at the end of it all, I work hard at reminding myself, how my body gave birth to these nutty monkey, as cheezy as it sounds 🙂

    • nmaha

      March 3, 2012 at 11:40 pm

      Hi D, cutie or not the therapy bills go to her, especially since I’m making the effort to bring her up with no body image issues I agree, it is amazing that we managed to carry and pop out these little monkeys.


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